martedì 7 febbraio 2017

The Frescoes

In the so call cubiculum of the sacraments (cubiculi dei sacramenti), there are several extraordinary paintings that were painted by the fossores to give the importance and the splendor of the tomb and the persons buried inside. These painting represented also the inner faith and believe of the early Christian community in the resurrection of body promised by the Lord.

1. Baptism of Jesus (Mt 3, 13-17) is the prefiguration of Christian baptism. Jesus allowed himself to be baptized by John to fulfill the righteousness. John was hesitating, but then Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness" (Mt, 3, 15). In the river of Jordan God revealed Himself as Trinitarian (Mt 3,16) and He confirmed the son hood of Jesus. "And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Mt 3,17). With the baptism Jesus became the only source of the salvation of the humankind. Only through the baptism man will gain new identity to be the son of the Father by, in and through His only beloved Son Jesus Christ. The first Christian community believes that the only way to enter into eternal life is through the baptism. The cleansing of body through the baptism is the guarantee of the resurrection of body. The figure of Jesus is represented by a child. Probably it represents the children’s baptism that was practiced for the first time in the 3rd century. Second interpretation, that the figure of Christ cannot be drawn because He is a divine being. The first iconography of Christ was painted toward the end of the 7th century in this catacomb.

2. The Banquet and multiplication of bread: The banquet symbolizes the last supper of Jesus with his disciples before his passion and death (Mt 26,17-30). Matthew in his gospel wrote: "While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body” (Mt, 26,6). It is the supreme and noblest act of Jesus to ensure the salvation of all humanity; he gave his own body and shed his own blood to those he loves.
The multiplication of bread (Cf. Jn 6,1-15) is the prefiguration of the Holy Eucharist. The Christians at that time preferred to associate it with the Eucharist, remembering the sacrifice of Christ. Jesus took the opportunity to revealed Himself as the true bread descended from heaven. "I'm the bread of life; whoever comes to me will not be hungry and he who believes in me will never thirst again" (Jn 6,35).
As we observe there are seven persons sitting around the table and seven bread and seven baskets are highlighted in the painting. Number 7 is symbolic and it indicates that God calls all for the salvation. Number 7 is also the symbol of perfection.

3. The story of prophet Jonas in the OT: Jonas is the prophet loved by the first Christian community. In all the cubiculum appears the figure of Jonas. Jonas is also symbol of the call to salvation to all human races without any exception. Salvation is for all and not for a certain categories of people, culture or believes. Most of the people buried in cubicula were pagans; therefore the figure of the prophet would represent the universal mercy of God.
Jonas was swallowed by the whale and remained inside the belly of whale for three days and three nights. It represents also the resurrection of Christ after three days in the tomb. Jesus said: "For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Mt 14, 20). 
Jonas was sent by God to the city Nineveh to announce the penitence to the people, but he was afraid that he might be killed and he opted to escape and disobeyed God. He was reprimanded and was thrown into the sea but he was swallowed by the whale that is represented here by marine monster. But God had pity on him and after three days he was deposed at the side of the sea (Cf. Jonah 1,1-17).
Probably the first Christian community would like to convey one message about the life they undergone at that period during the hardship life of persecution. The monster would represent their persecutors, most probably the emperor himself. But because of their faith and perseverance they will be granted freedom one day. In fact, latter emperor Constantine granted freedom of cult to the Christians in 313 AD. God chose the first Christians to be the Protomartyrs and the first seed of Christianity among the pagans in Rome and in the entire Empire.

4. The Resurrection of Lazarus: One of the greatest miracles ever performed by Jesus was the resurrection of Lazarus (Cf. Jn 11, 38-44). The message that was conveyed by Jesus to his disciples and to the humanity is the resurrection of life. He identifies himself as the source of resurrection and life and whoever believes in him will be raised from the death. To Martha one of Lazarus sister, Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (Jn 11, 25-26).
The Christian community in the third century put Jesus as the source of their hope in the resurrection and life. During the persecution Christians were killed because of their faith and they were willing to die because they believe that by believing in Jesus there will be life after death, the resurrection of body and eternal life.

5. The figure of Abraham and Isaac (Gen 22,1-19): The sacrifice of Isaac in the OT represents the sacrifice of Christ. And the figure of Abraham represents the man of great faith in YHW, representing also the Obedience and self-emptiness in front of God the Omnipotence. In fact Abraham is considered as the father of faith. In him the faith of the Christians and those buried underground were protected and flourished.
God the Father sacrificed Jesus in the holy Cross even though He is the only beloved Son of the Father for the remission of sins of many and for the salvation of all. He is the excellent Lamb of God to be sacrifice to save the humanity.

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